SD Card (mine = 512MB) – Stores Homebrew applications and WAD files.To pull this off there are a number of things that must be in place: Make each game selectable as individual channels directly from Wii home screen.Play Wii games directly from USB drive formatted with NTFS and shared for other purposes.All information contained within is for informational purposes only and provided with no warranty. It should go without saying but I will be in no way responsible for anything bad that happens to your Wii as a result of this guide. My kids are getting old enough now to enjoy this so I decided to finally pick up a Wii + a bunch of games from eBay and create a game juke box, essentially. I’ve been gaming on the XBox360 and PS3 for years and the PC longer than I can remember. It’s Christmas time, things slow down at work, we take more time off to be with family, what better way to kick back than around the Wii? I’m sure years from now if I finally get a Wii-U I’ll do something similar there but for now this fun applies to the classic Wii only.